About the Social Connectedness Index
The Social Connectedness Index (SCI) measures how Icelandic Facebook users are connected with other countries. This index uses anonymized Facebook data to capture friendship networks, showing relative connectedness between Iceland and other locations.
Key Features:
- The network only shows connections between Iceland and other countries (not between other countries).
- Hover over a country flag to view the country name, its total SCI value, and its percentage of Iceland's total connectedness.
- Thicker, closer links indicate stronger connections, and you can drag and explore the network interactively.
Data Source: Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
Documentation: Social Connectedness Index Documentation
Um vísitölu félagslegra tengsla
Vísitala félagslegra tengsla (SCI) mælir hvernig íslenskir Facebook-notendur tengjast öðrum löndum. Þessi vísitala notar nafnlaus Facebook-gögn til að fanga vinanet og sýnir hlutfallsleg tengsl milli Íslands og annarra staða.
Helstu eiginleikar:
- Netið sýnir eingöngu tengsl milli Íslands og annarra landa (ekki tengsl milli annarra landa).
- Þegar farið er yfir fána lands kemur fram nafn landsins, heildar SCI gildi þess og hlutfall af heildartengslum Íslands.
- Þykkari og þéttari tengingar tákna sterkari tengsl. Hægt er að draga og skoða netið gagnvirkt.
Gagnaveita: Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)